Experience the Freedom and Joy of Mind-Body Wellness

with a simple ABC system

Enjoy Greater Ease of Movement

Reduce Stress

Discover Age-Defying Strategies

Let us show you how.


Improve posture & function

Look and feel confident and strong by having good posture. Begin every activity by “lengthening and opening” or “thinking tall.” Use a chair that has support for your low back, arms, and legs. Sit at a desk or table to support arms and relieve pressure on neck, back, and shoulders.


Decrease stress & increase energy

Diaphragmatic inhalation through the nose and slow, prolonged exhalations through the mouth or nose can be a source of stress-reduction and increased energy as your body’s oxygen supply is increased. Discover how to integrate this deep and relaxing breathing pattern into your everyday life for an increased sense of well-being.


Mind and body working together

How often do you have an accident, or make some mistake because your mind is in one place and your body is doing something else? Imagine moving easily through your day, focused on one activity or project at a time and being un-stressed. You are “centered.”

Don’t Miss Out on Our Top 5 Anti-Aging Tips!
These tips come from years of experience helping people just like you minimize the appearance and side-effects of aging!

Download 5 Anti-Aging Tips

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  • Welcome to Our Blog
    Welcome to our blog.  This is a new venture for Thera-Fitness and we hope you will find information of interest and value.  As the primary communicator on this blog, … Read More
  • Age-defying fitness?
    It was just yesterday, at a friend’s home, that I became aware of the fact that even men have vanity about changes that happen when their bodies start aging … Read More