Self-Love Is In the Air!

This is the month of LOVE!  And what’s one of the best kinds of love?  Self-love!  I am not referring to narcissism, which is all about ego.  I am referring to self-care – having love and respect for your body … Read More

Getting Fit For The New Year

Are you as excited about the start of 2023 as I am?  No, I haven’t made any specific “resolutions.”  However, I am in action to realize dreams that refuse to die.  At age 78, I’d better stay moving and “in … Read More

The ABC Mind-Body System and the Art of Tai Chi Chu’an By Alex Japit, SPT, Tai Chi Practitioner For me, the best moments of teaching are those “A-HA” moments when someone learns to perform a skill that they didn’t know … Read More

Speaking at NCPTA Conference October 2022

Here I am at the NCPTA Conference teaching The ABC System of mind-body fitness and well-being to physical therapists for their self-care, and for patient management. These professionals are learning how and why to integrate Alignment, Breathing and Centering into … Read More

What is Thera-Fitness?

Have you ever gone to an exercise class and felt completely out of place?  Was it hard to follow or keep up with the instructor?  Was your ability limited by a medical or physical condition?  That’s why Thera-Fitness was born. … Read More

Aligning, Breathing and Centering

Are you dealing with stress these days?  Many people are.   Something else that is common for many people, old and young alike, is neck, back and shoulder pain.  Do you tend to fall or have accidents?  I don’t need … Read More